NEW: Divan-i Kebir, Volume 9, Meter 9 – Paperback, Cover Matches Full Set


The only difference between this Divan-i Kebir Volume 9 /Meter 9 and the Divan-i Kebir Volume 9/Meter 9, The Journey in the blue and white cover, is the cover design and the typeface used. Rumi’s poems remain  exactly the same. This version was added at the request of those who have already purchased a 22-volume set and prefer a cover that is more compatible with the original set.  Please note that this volume is larger (6” x 9” compared to 5½  x 8½) than the other volumes in the original set and is NOT an exact replica of the original set’s cover.

For more information and reviews, see the description for the Divan-i Kebir (SET).

From the back cover:

I saw Absence in my dream last night.
I was amazed by His beauty. I became bewildered

I was out of myself until early dawn
because of the beauty, maturity and kindness of Absence.

I saw forms in the light of Absence.
I saw the Soul of souls on His face.

When I saw the rough sea, my soul became exalted
with a hundred kinds of excitement.

Hundreds of thousands of screams and yells
came from the sky.
I would become a slave, a servant to such a messenger.

Ghazal 106, v. 1106-07, 1111-13

Product Details:
• Paperback: 270 pages
• Publisher: Powerhouse Publishing (2017)
• Language: English
• ISBN-13: 978-1-947666-03-0
• Product Dimensions: 0.62 x 6 x 9
• Shipping Weight: 14.5 ounces


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