I saw Absence in my dream last night.
I was amazed by His beauty.
I became bewildered. Continue reading ““May It Do You Good” (12/26/2021)”
I saw Absence in my dream last night.
I was amazed by His beauty.
I became bewildered. Continue reading ““May It Do You Good” (12/26/2021)”
Never mind all of this.
How can You be with us?
You are completely soul.
You don’t fit in time and space. Continue reading “No Peer (12/12/2021)”
There is a sea which is not far from us.
It is unseen, but it is not hidden.
It is forbidden to talk about.
Yet, at the same time,
it is a sin and a sign of ungratefulness not to.
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 1, ghazal 97, verse 1205, page 230.
Is there a lip from which the smell of soul isn’t coming right now?
Is there a particle of the heart in which a trace of Him doesn’t reside?
If there are no provisions coming from that famous table,
why is every particle chewing cud like a camel? Continue reading “Not Even a Small Part of This Comes from the Sky (11/21/2021)”
Come, O Sufis. Come today.
Yes, there is celebration, joy and pleasure today.
Come. The door to exit these six dimensions is being opened.
A dust has risen from the bottom of the sea. Continue reading “Celebration, Joy and Pleasure (11/7/2021)”
Your greatness cannot be contained in souls.
You are beyond comprehension and imagination.
My mind doesn’t understand without You.
My hand doesn’t reach anywhere
if You are not in my arms and wings. Continue reading “It Brings Guilt (10/24/2021)”
How can you know the design of the Designer,
the paint of the Painter?
You are mere form and flesh.
How could you possibly know Soul? Continue reading “Mere Form and Flesh (10/10/2021)”
O One who takes the hearts of lovers as hostage,
don’t shed the blood of lovers.Go away.
Look at the traces of blood on every road.
Hear the bloody yells everywhere. Continue reading “This Heart (9/26/2021)”
The mind is a roadblock on the journey, O son.
The road is wide open.
Untie this bond. Tear it, O son. Continue reading “This is Expected of You (9/12/2021)”
O Beloved, we are Your guest tonight.
Wait! Why did we say, “tonight?”
We are Yours day and night, every day and every night. Continue reading “This Glory (8/29/2021)”