Do You Want to Know…(12/6/2020)

Do You Want to Know…(12/6/2020)

Do you want to know about separation?

That is the road for lovers.

A fish’s life depends on the sea.

He desires the sea whenever he is separated from it.

People usually desire the sun,

although sometimes they do desire a shadow.

A soul is the particle which never desires a shadow.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #4, page 131.

I was Amazed (10/11/2020)

I was Amazed (10/11/2020)

When I was drinking wine in Your tavern one day,

I started ripping off this cloak of mine, this cloak made of clay.

In Your tavern, I saw the harmony in its workings

and in the workings of the Universe.

There was such a balance of creation and destruction.

I was amazed.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 326.

No Signs, No Tricks, No Traces (9/27/2020)

No Signs, No Tricks, No Traces (9/27/2020)

The mind may give you what you think is evidence.

Love gives you the Beloved, the Friend.

What comes from the mind is dirty water.

What comes from the Beloved is the Water of Life.

You may ascend to the sky with all the signs of a lover’s journey,

all the evidence which your mind so freely gives.

But in the sky, you will find no signs, no tricks, no traces.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi (2021), Rubai 1376 (Volume 3). 

No Bottom, No Boundary (9/13/2020)

Such a Love (2/23/2020)

Love is an ocean which has no bottom, no boundary.

It is an ocean suspended.

Love is the secret of the One

who has no beginning of the beginning.

All souls are drowned in Love.They live there.

Hope is one drop of that ocean.

The rest of it is fear of separation.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 218.