When I Look (3/21/2021)

When I Look (3/21/2021)

How long will I be satisfied by the shapes and appearances of time?

How long will I watch and smell of existence?

I am tired of the materials and creatures of the present.

It is time to see that Beauty of Beauties.

But, when I look at Him, I see my image.

When I look at my image, I see His.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 316.

Into the Sea of the Beloved (3/7/2021)

Into the Sea of the Beloved (3/7/2021)

Don’t think that I have run away from you

or that I have given my heart to someone else.

I am not tied to anyone or anything.

Because I am separated from my origin, I am a stranger here.

And, I am running like a torrent into the sea of the Beloved.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 315.

A Shining Star Has Appeared (2/7/2021)

A Shining Star Has Appeared (2/7/2021)

I have been dissolved in the sea of purity like salt.

There is no belief, no heresy left in me.

Neither certainty nor doubt remains.

A shining star has appeared in my heart.

Even the seven levels of sky have disappeared into that star.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 285.

These Uproars (1/10/2021)

These Uproars (1/10/2021)

We are being carried away by our desire

to see the face of that Sultan.

We are submerged like fish in His Love,

His sea of eternal life.

Dawn has broken. Morning has come.

We are upset by these uproars, this untimely morning.

We are begging for redress from this untimely noise.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 483.

Do You Want to Know…(12/6/2020)

Do You Want to Know…(12/6/2020)

Do you want to know about separation?

That is the road for lovers.

A fish’s life depends on the sea.

He desires the sea whenever he is separated from it.

People usually desire the sun,

although sometimes they do desire a shadow.

A soul is the particle which never desires a shadow.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #4, page 131.