The Beloved is Inside of You (9/29/19)

The Beloved is Inside of You (9/29/19)

O one who has been deceived by flesh, who doesn’t know His own essence, put your mind in your head.

The Beloved is inside of you.

Senses are the essence of the body. The essence of your senses is your soul.

If you go beyond body, senses and soul, everything is the Beloved.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 71.

Don’t Open the Door of Thought (8/18/19)

Don’t Open the Door of Thought (8/18/19)

Like every other day, we are desperately in Love today.

Don’t open the door of thought.

Play the rebab whose sound makes us forget everything.

There are a hundred different prayers

for the one whose alter is the face of the Beloved.

Rubailer (2016), Rubia #4, page 46.

I Did Not Recognize Who I was (7/21/19)

I Did Not Recognize Who I Was (7/21/19)

At first, like others, I preferred being my self.

Although I was aware of my existence, I did not comprehend my being.

Because I could not see, I did not recognize who I was.

I was merely hearing my name.

Finally, and only when I went out of myself completely, I saw my real being.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #4, page 45.