Don’t Open the Door of Thought (8/18/19)

Don’t Open the Door of Thought (8/18/19)

Like every other day, we are desperately in Love today.

Don’t open the door of thought.

Play the rebab whose sound makes us forget everything.

There are a hundred different prayers

for the one whose alter is the face of the Beloved.

Rubailer (2016), Rubia #4, page 46.

I Did Not Recognize Who I was (7/21/19)

I Did Not Recognize Who I Was (7/21/19)

At first, like others, I preferred being my self.

Although I was aware of my existence, I did not comprehend my being.

Because I could not see, I did not recognize who I was.

I was merely hearing my name.

Finally, and only when I went out of myself completely, I saw my real being.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #4, page 45.

All the World’s Sorrows (6/9/19)

All the World’s Sorrows (6/9/19)

My Beloved whose scattered hair makes everyone confused,

whose sweet ruby lips scatter sugar and honey,

that Beloved asked me, “Are you sorry about our separation?”

I answered, “O my soul, so much so that all the world’s sorrows are in that sorry.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #3, page 33.