So Think About… (7/2/17)

Just Think About… (7/2/17)

I have so much excitement in my heart

that it is intolerable even for the sky.

Majnun and Layla* can’t see my exuberance even in their dreams.

All this exaltation is only a small portion of the Beloved’s,

so think about how it is in that heart of His.

*Majnun & Layla  Characters in a famous Arabic love story.

Rubailer, Page 349, Rubai #2


A Colorful Show (6/4/17)

A Colorful Show (6/4/17)

This is the time for war, O soul. Put on your arms.

It is getting late, O soul. Don’t hesitate.

This world is nothing but a colorful show, O soul,

with a cat-and-mouse fight on every corner.

Give it up, O soul. Give it up.

                                                     Rubailer, Page 342, Rubai #4

Gamble with Your Life (4/23/17)

Gamble with Your Life (4/23/17)

Gamble with your life. Take every chance you can.

You can’t reach His union by talking.

They don’t serve milk to drunks by the glass of Sharia.*

In the place where wine is served, they pour it only to those

who have undressed from the “self.”

Not even a drop is given to those who worship themselves.

                                                   *Sharia – Moral code and religious law associated with Islam.

                                                  Rubailer, Page 161, Rubai #4

My Real Being (4/9/17)

My Real Being (4/9/17)

First, I learned about myself by imitating others.

Although I was aware of my existence, I didn’t comprehend my being.

Because I didn’t see, because I didn’t recognize myself, I was only hearing my name.

When I went out of myself, I saw my real being.

                                                    Rubailer, Page 24, Rubai #4