O wounded heart, relax.
The time has come for relief. Breathe easy.
That peerless Beloved, so kind and generous to lovers,
has dressed as a human and come into this world.
Rubailer, Page 222, Rubai #1
The secret of Truth cannot be understood by asking questions,
gathering information, or spending all of your wealth and belongings.
If you haven’t cried for fifty years with bloody tears, if you haven’t burned your heart out,
you will never find the way from words to ecstasy.
Rubailer, Page 267, Rubai #2
Life is short. Breaths are numbered. Yet, Love lasts forever.
We stretched our legs and laid down under the shade of the heart,
Watching the plain of Love extending in front of us.
Who cares if there are hundreds of days of resurrection on that plain?
Rubailer, Page 241, Rubai #3