Come, O Sufis. Come today.
Yes, there is celebration, joy and pleasure today.
Come. The door to exit these six dimensions is being opened.
A dust has risen from the bottom of the sea.
Come. Every head, every mind
is being filled with the smell of the union
of a soul and the One who gives souls.
Come. Every ear, every reason
has found a ring from absolute ecstasy.
Come. In short order, you will find no sober ones
from the East to the West.
There is a cavalry on every corner of this barren land
where no one from the world of soul ever passes.
Get into the fire. Be like firewood.
The flames of this fire
will reach to the top of the seven levels of the sky.
In this barren land of the self,
there are trees and rivers everywhere.
Have you ever seen a tree
embracing another tree in such a garden?
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 19, Ghazal 237, verses 2433-2441, pages 66-67.