Like Moses, the copper of your existence
will become gold through His chemistry.
So, why do you worry?
Even if you don’t have a sack of gold,
there is an Egypt inside of you.
You are the sugar cane field there.
It doesn’t matter if no one from the outside gives you sugar.
Like any idol worshiper,
you’ve become a slave of forms and appearances.
What kind of Joseph are you?
You aren’t looking inside of you.
I swear to God
that if you were to see your own true face in the mirror,
you yourself would become your own idol.
You wouldn’t bother with any of the others.
You didn’t go to the Kaa’ba because you didn’t have a donkey,
but your body is like a camel, carrying your heart on its pilgrimage.
And even if you never journey to the Kaaba,
your good fortune will drag you to Nothingness.
O garrulous one, don’t try to run.
There is no way to escape from God.
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 22, ghazal 38, verses346-349, 352-353.