O my Cupbearer who adds souls to Soul,
for God’s sake, offer up a river’s full.
Pour that red wine into my drunken head.
You are the Sea of Kindness.
Nourish me with Your own hands.
O my moon-faced One, You are the Garden of Eden.
Drop some fruit into my lap.
O Angel who descended to the Earth from heaven,
O Beauty who became a ladder with the word, “Drink,”
Come to the gathering. Serve wine.
Set up the rule of spring.
O Charmer whose face resembles the rose garden,
whose stature is reminiscent of the cypress and stone pine,
If they were to drink a few drops, what would be missed
from the ocean of Your kindness?
If an unbeliever were to receive his lot in life,
how would God’s grace be decreased?
Make my restless heart settle down with one glass.
Give the cleanliness of a pearl to the body’s shell.
Either save me from thoughts
or send me to my origin,
or set up a ladder to the sky
and open a door for me.
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 21, Ghazal 102, verses 1125-1131, pages 228-229.