Reading Rumi

Why Don’t You…? (6/11/2023)

Why Don’t You…? (6/11/2023)

The Beloved said to me,

“Since you are buying kisses from every beauty,

why don’t you buy one from Me?”

I asked, “With gold?”

“No,” He said. “What can I do with gold?”

So I tried again, “With my life?”

“Yes, yes,” He said. “That’s what I want, yes.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 464.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (fall2023), Volume 3, Rubai 988.

This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)

This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)

This stone will be split open if it desires Union with You.

If my soul feels Your Joy, it will grow wings and fly to the sky.


Now, the fire melts and becomes water.

Reason loses its balance and falls. Continue reading “This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)”

How Could I? (5/28/2023)

How Could I? (5/28/2023)

You are in my eyes.

If this were not so, how could I see You?

You are in my mind.

If this were not so, how could I be an insane lover?

There is a wondrous place, although I don’t know where it is.

But, if there were not that place, how could I be there?

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 460.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Rubai 985, Volume 3.

Become Divine Light (5/14/2023)

Become Divine Light (5/14/2023)

You will be purified from bad habits

by fasting.

You will follow the ascent of the attained ones to the sky

by fasting.

You will be burned like a candle

by the fire of fasting.

Become divine light.

The darkness of a bite makes you a morsel for the ground.

Rubailer (2016), 4ubai 4, page 461.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Volume 3, rubai 982.

“You” (4/30/2023)

“You” (4/30/2023)

If all I have made are mistakes and You are my only right, that is enough for me.

You are the only meaning of my ruined, wrecked life.

At the time of my leaving this world,

if they ask me, “What did you do?”

I will answer, “You.” And, that is enough for me.

Rubaiyat (2016), Rubai 3, page 454.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( fall 2023), Rubai 967, Volume 3.

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is There a Remedy…? (4/16/2023)

Is there a remedy for this pain?

Will I ever escape from my longing for You?

You said, “Plant the sapling of patience in your heart.

Do not lament and complain about being seized

by the torment of Love.”

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 260.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( 2023), Rubai 526, Volume 2.

When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/9/2023)

When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/8/2023)

When it comes to reaching the heart of the Beloved,

there is no room for patience.

Don’t talk about patience.


When Love rattles its chain,

the minds of Plato and Abul Hasan* become befuddled. Continue reading “When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/9/2023)”