Reading Rumi

Sometimes (11/20/2022)

Sometimes (11/20/2022)

O heart, what did you find in all of your lootings,

in those pillagings where you spread out all of your belongings?

What did you find before you closed the door?


In this ruined building, you still keep making webs with your own saliva

in order to catch flies like the spider of greed. Continue reading “Sometimes (11/20/2022)”

The Only Way to Reach Eternity (10/23/2022)

Every moment, Your kindness follows after sorrow.

If this were not so, no one could stand this suffering.


Make me constantly drunk

with the wine which gives no hangover.

I don’t want any other wine.


We are the reed bed.

He is the fire, and we are waiting to be burned. Continue reading “The Only Way to Reach Eternity (10/23/2022)”

On the Way of Love (10/16/2022)

What harm could a cross-eyed one do to beauty such as yours?

Should an insane lover be ashamed of having a bad reputation?

When riding the ambling horse on the way of Love,

who cares about some lame old donkey?

Rubailer (2016), rubai 3, page 418.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( 7/2023), rubai 904, volume 2.

It’s better to be a Fool with Love… (10/2/2022)

Be a Fool with Love (10/2/2022)

It’s better to be a fool with Love than to be a wise scholar,

better to become dirt on the road than to be a moon in the sky.

Become one with good and bad, young and old.

Be a pawn, then a vizier, then later, a king.

Rubailer (2016), rubai 4, page 391.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( 7/2023), rubai 894, volume 2.

Look at Us. See Us. Watch Us. (8/4/2022)

Look at us. See us. Watch us. (9/4/2022)

We are the fire of Love which lights that special candle.

Like a candle, we came to burn the oppressed moth.


We attacked bravely like a drunk,

giving up knowledge and reaching into the to-be-known. Continue reading “Look at Us. See Us. Watch Us. (8/4/2022)”