The mind is a roadblock on the journey, O son.
The road is wide open.
Untie this bond. Tear it, O son. Continue reading “This is Expected of You (9/12/2021)”
The mind is a roadblock on the journey, O son.
The road is wide open.
Untie this bond. Tear it, O son. Continue reading “This is Expected of You (9/12/2021)”
We keep turning like the sky in our longing for the Moon.
Only God knows our business.
Considering all the things which are happening in this world,
we wonder how smart people can keep their minds in their heads.
Yet, they wonder about our exuberance.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 335.
The Rubais of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (pub. approx. 5/22), Rubai 721, volume 2.
O Beloved, we are Your guest tonight.
Wait! Why did we say, “tonight?”
We are Yours day and night, every day and every night. Continue reading “This Glory (8/29/2021)”
We are the treasure of God’s secrets.
We are the endless ocean full of pearls.
We are the space between the Moon and the fish.
We are the One who sits on the throne of the Sultan.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 339.
A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (tent. pub. 12/2021)
Rubai #719, Volume 2.
Why are you sorry if you lose your profit, your capital?
Here I am. See My generosity?
Don’t fall into despair.
If the world disappears
and the sea becomes a drop of dew, who cares?
If it passes out and drops to the ground,
that doesn’t mean it has left My hand.
The world is a fish. Absence is an ocean.
There are so many fights in the heart of the fish.
But, I fish without a line.
Even if a fish disappears, I will still catch it.
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 15, Ghazal 98, verses 1116-1118, page 221.
I thought I could control the dog of my selfishness
by putting on him the chain of repentance.
Although he is getting tired and old,
whenever he sees a carcass,
he breaks the chain and attacks.
What can I do with this dog?
Rubailer (2016), Rubai #2, page 338.
A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (tent. pub. 12/21), Rubai 717, Volume 2.
O heart, go. Go.
Turn to blood like you used to be.
Go to the valley and plain where you used to be. Continue reading “Where You Used to Be (8/1/2021)”
I became exuberant when that pearl emerged in me.
I was turned into a rough sea by that storm.
I revealed the secrets of the ocean,
secrets shaken out with thunder.
Then, I slept on the shore like an empty cloud.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 329.
A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (tent. pub. 12/1/2021), Volume 2, Rubai 696.
O Beloved, You flew away from this narrow cage.
You freed Yourself from this dungeon of robbers and pickpockets.
You cleaned the dirt and dust from the surface of the mirror.
You saw whatever was in that mirror.
You had been hearing, here and there, some news.
You went to that exalted world
and saw that news with Your own eyes.
You left earth and water to the Earth and water.
Then, You took the substance of the soul
and pulled it to the sky.
You became tired of being around the body.
You preferred to go with the soul.
You freed Yourself from the mother womb
which is this world
and ran to the father of intelligence.
Drink the wine which sweetens the soul with every breath
in exchange for the suffering we gave You.
Since You left, the whole Universe has chosen us.
Now, take anything You choose.
You went from this Earth’s saucepan
to the table of the other world,
because You were cooked.
The egg became empty, without a bird,
because you got out of this Earth’s egg
and flew away.
From now on, You will never fit in this world.
Keep flying through it. You like to fly.
Be silent. Go away.
They opened Your lock.
Death matched You for the key.
Divan-i Kebir, Ghazal 230, verses 2350-2361, pages 52-53.
I stopped over at a tavern one day.
There, I started to tear my patched-up body-cloak into pieces.
While everyone else was busy with their own affairs,
I was busy destroying my self, trying to find Me.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 326.
A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (tentative pub. date 12/1/21), Vol. 2 of 4, Rubai 691.