A smile explains Your kindness.
Crying is a complaint about Your grief. Continue reading “Two Opposite Bits of News (11/3/19)”
A smile explains Your kindness.
Crying is a complaint about Your grief. Continue reading “Two Opposite Bits of News (11/3/19)”
Clean souls ascend to the sky.
Turbid souls descend to the valley, are buried in the ground.
Open the eye of your soul and look at souls.
How did they get here?
What happens to them?
Where and how do they go? Continue reading “Look at Souls (10/6/19)”
O one who has been deceived by flesh, who doesn’t know His own essence, put your mind in your head.
The Beloved is inside of you.
Senses are the essence of the body. The essence of your senses is your soul.
If you go beyond body, senses and soul, everything is the Beloved.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai #1, page 71.
Every moment, Your kindness follows after sorrow.
If this were not so, no one could stand this suffering.
Make me constantly drunk with the wine which gives no hangover.
I don’t want any other wine. Continue reading “The Only Way to Reach Eternity (9/22/19)”
“O heart,” I said, “why are you like this?
How long will you be hanging around Love?
My heart answered, “Why don’t you come, too?
Wouldn’t it be nice if you came and tasted the pleasure of Love? Continue reading ““Why Don’t You Come, Too?” (9/8/19)”
Love passes with the hope of tomorrow,
finishes needlessly with fights and struggles.
Assume your life is the day which you are living right now.
See how you spend it with all of your schemes and empty projects. Continue reading “Death’s Majesty (8/25/19)”
Like every other day, we are desperately in Love today.
Don’t open the door of thought.
Play the rebab whose sound makes us forget everything.
There are a hundred different prayers
for the one whose alter is the face of the Beloved.
Rubailer (2016), Rubia #4, page 46.