Reading Rumi

What’s the Use of That? (12/2/18)

What’s the Use of That? (12/2/18)

O player, play this music. Play this tune.

Alas for the ones who block the road!

Mercy especially for the one who waylays us on our road!


O player, you learned that other music from that other brigand,

because the student has the teacher’s accent. Continue reading “What’s the Use of That? (12/2/18)”

I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)

No One Is a Stranger There (11/18/18)

Every mind becomes confused when it sees Your face.

Every face is scratched by Your Absence.


I have become drunk because of Your reproach.

I don’t even know if Your pure wine is better than a sedimented one. Continue reading “I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)”

The Dust Raised Up by Words (11/4/18)

The Dust Raised Up by Words (11/4/18)

Don’t give water to me. I want to be Your thirsty one.

Make me Your lover. Take away my sleep.


O One whose beautiful image has become the Mihrab* for me,

I will keep doing Namaz** every day and night. Continue reading “The Dust Raised Up by Words (11/4/18)”