You excite this crowd every day
by erasing thousands of well-beings down below.
This is fate. It goes on as long as the wheel of fortune turns.
Please, be kind and generous to the souls of the poor.
Rubailer, Page 472, Rubai #3
“O Sultan of the Earth,” I said in the early dawn,
“I swear to God that there is no one who matches You.
No one is Your peer. Continue reading “The One Who Exists Is Not Me (5/20/18)”
There is a Beauty whose face resembles the Sun.
The nicest curtain is the shadow cast by Him.
He rises like the Sun. Particles become restless.
For goodness sake, don’t keep that Spring-like face behind the curtain. Continue reading “Our Peace is No Good (5/6/18)”
People were born from the Sea of Soul like water birds.
How do those birds which come from the sea make this place their home?
We are engulfed by the soul’s sea with every breath we take.
If it were not so, why do the waves come one after the other from the Sea of Heart? Continue reading “Our Jar Cannot Take Any More (4/15/18)”
Blasphemy is dressed in black. Divine light has come.
They are beating the drum of immortality. Eternal sovereignty has come.
The Earth has become green. The sky has torn its cuff and collar.
The Moon has split in half once more. Pure soul has come. Continue reading “Eternal Sovereignty Has Come (4/1/18)”
If you become prey to God, you will be freed from sorrows.
If you run after your desires, you will stay a slave to your self.
You should know this very well: Your being is the curtain that conceals God from you.
Don’t stay with your self. If you do, you will be hurt time after time.
Rubailer, Page 454, Rubai #4