Reading Rumi

Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)

Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)

The mind is a bondage to lovers and the ones on the journey, O son.

The road is clear, obvious if you break your ties, O son.


The mind is an impediment. The heart is a deception.

The soul is a curtain. The body is coarse.

The road is hidden because of all this heaviness, O son. Continue reading “Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)”

Bees Don’t Make His Honey (10/15/17)

Bees Don’t Make His Honey (10/15/17)

Before wine, the vineyard or the grape ever existed in this world,

our soul was drunk with everlasting wine, with God’s wine.


Before this hide and seek,

before Mansur* said that secret word, made that subtle point,

we kept saying, “I am God,” in the Baghdad of this world. Continue reading “Bees Don’t Make His Honey (10/15/17)”

Non-Existence Appeared Like Existence (9/17/17)

Non-Existence Appeared Like Existence (9/17/17)

When I desired Union, when I burned with fire,

I went to Mount Sinai, like Moses.


There, I saw a sultan, the Sultan of sultans,

a charmer who attracts the heart, who adds Soul to souls. Continue reading “Non-Existence Appeared Like Existence (9/17/17)”

There Are Rose Gardens for Lovers (9/3/17)

The Rose Garden Inside of You (9/3/17)

There are rose gardens for lovers inside of those bloody fences.

There are so many other businesses for lovers thanks to the absolute beauty of Love.


The mind says, “There are six dimensions to the world of existence.

There is no road beyond those boundaries.”

Yet Love says, “Yes, there is. I have been back and forth many times. Continue reading “There Are Rose Gardens for Lovers (9/3/17)”