New: Divan-i Kebir Volume 9, Meter 9, The Journey

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Nevit Ergin’s original translation of the Divan-i Kebir, Volume 9, was published in Turkey in 1999 and is now out-of-print. This new Volume 9 is its replacement.  Millicent Alexander, working first with Nevit Ergin and then with the help of Shahzad Mazhar (reading from the original Divan-i Kebir manuscript No. 68-69 in the Mevlana Museum in Konya, Turkey), has clarified the language of Ergin’s original translation where needed.

For more information and reviews, see the description for the Divan-i Kebir (SET).

From the back cover:

I saw Absence in my dream last night.
I was amazed by His beauty. I became bewildered
I was out of myself until early dawn
because of the beauty, maturity and kindness of Absence.

I saw forms in the light of Absence.
I saw the Soul of souls on His face.

When I saw the rough sea, my soul became exalted
with a hundred kinds of excitement.

Hundreds of thousands of screams and yells
came from the sky.
I would become a slave, a servant to such a messenger.

Ghazal 106, v. 1106-07, 1111-13



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