Poster Featuring Rumi Poem


11.5 x 16.5

Gold leaf on paper stock.

A quatrain (rubai) from the Divan-i Kebir of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, translated by Nevit O. Ergin. The original Farsi version of the poem is featured in the watermark. The artwork is a photograph of the original artwork created by Abu Bekir-al Malavi for the Osman-al Mavlavi Compilation of the Divan-i Kebir compiled in 1367-68 C.E. and registered as #68 and #69 in the Mevlana Museum in Konya, Turkey. The photograph of the artwork, as well as of the entire al Mavlavi compilation, was commissioned by Nevit O. Ergin with permission from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and the Mevlana Museum in Konya, Turkey.


Additional information

Dimensions 11.5 × 16.5 in