Gamble with Your Life (4/23/17)

Gamble with Your Life (4/23/17)

Gamble with your life. Take every chance you can.

You can’t reach His union by talking.

They don’t serve milk to drunks by the glass of Sharia.*

In the place where wine is served, they pour it only to those

who have undressed from the “self.”

Not even a drop is given to those who worship themselves.

                                                   *Sharia – Moral code and religious law associated with Islam.

                                                  Rubailer, Page 161, Rubai #4

My Real Being (4/9/17)

My Real Being (4/9/17)

First, I learned about myself by imitating others.

Although I was aware of my existence, I didn’t comprehend my being.

Because I didn’t see, because I didn’t recognize myself, I was only hearing my name.

When I went out of myself, I saw my real being.

                                                    Rubailer, Page 24, Rubai #4

“God Knows Best” (3/5/17)

“God Knows Best” (3/5/17)

I became the confidant of the One who set out to search.

I became a friend of the One who settled down in the land of Glory.


I saw a dome beyond the six dimensions.

I turned into the floor, the dirt of that dome. Continue reading ““God Knows Best” (3/5/17)”

The Hidden Treasure (1/29/17)

The Hidden Treasure (1/29/17)

We are the hidden treasure of this muddy world.

We are the owner of the land of Eternity.

Once we pass through the darkness of this mud,

We are Hizir* and the Fountain of Life.

*Legendary Godsend who attained immortality by drinking from the water of life; comes to aid in a critical moment.

                                                     Rubailer, Page 301, Rubai #2