Who are You that You envelope all of the world in my heart?
You are the epigram of the world.
I wonder which epigram is Your favorite! Continue reading “Hiding (6/2/2024)”
Who are You that You envelope all of the world in my heart?
You are the epigram of the world.
I wonder which epigram is Your favorite! Continue reading “Hiding (6/2/2024)”
O heart, if you cannot endure the troubles of Love, go away.
If you don’t give up your life, you will never reach the Beloved.
If you haven’t been thrown, as Abraham was, into the fire,
you will never find, as Khidr* did, the Water of Life.
*Khidr A legendary man who is said to have attained immortality by drinking from the Water of Life and who comes to help those in moments of extreme distress.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 4, page 449.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub.Fall 2023), Rubai 959, Volume 3.
Every moment, Your kindness follows after sorrow.
If this were not so, no one could stand this suffering.
Make me constantly drunk
with the wine which gives no hangover.
I don’t want any other wine.
We are the reed bed.
He is the fire, and we are waiting to be burned. Continue reading “The Only Way to Reach Eternity (10/23/2022)”
If you really want to know
the essence of insanity on the way of Love,
ask me. Continue reading “If You Really Want to Know (5/22/2022)”
I pulled you out of the fire of lust, brought you here,
then threw you back into that fire, scattering you there.
You were born from My heart like these words.
Yet, you run, trying to escape. And, you reproach me. Continue reading “Generous and Merciful (3/6/2022)”
Come. The door to exit the six dimensions is being opened.
A dust has risen from the bottom of that sea.
Come. Every head, every mind
has been filled with the fragrance
of the union of a soul and the One who gives souls. Continue reading “Come (2/6/2022)”
The one to whom the secret of Love appears
loses his being,
becomes annihilated in the Beloved. Continue reading “Even If You Can’t See It (1/23/2022)”
O my Beloved, accept me. Take my soul.
Let me pass through both worlds.
If I settle down with anything other than You,
throw me into the fire and burn that thing.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 353.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 761, Volume 2)
Come, O Sufis. Come today.
Yes, there is celebration, joy and pleasure today.
Come. The door to exit these six dimensions is being opened.
A dust has risen from the bottom of the sea. Continue reading “Celebration, Joy and Pleasure (11/7/2021)”
Once this Love arrived, all other loves disappeared.
Because of my longing for You,
I was burned and turned into ashes.
My ashes scattered and disappeared.
Then, they came back, forming thousands of shapes again.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 220.
A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translation, Volume 1 (pub. Nov. 2021), Rubai 430.