Being in God’s Vicinity (5/24/2020)

Being in God’s Vicinity (5/24/2020)

This solitude is better than the company of thousands.

This freedom is sweeter than owning the whole world.

Being in God’s vicinity for even a short time

is worth more than the soul, more than the universe,

more than all of this, more than all of that.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai #4, page 167.

How Lucky (1/12/20)

How Lucky (1/12/10)

The soul’s Sultan pushes us from one play to another

as if we were pawns in a chess game.

I wonder if He wins. I wonder if He is ever checkmated.

After all, aren’t we the ones on trial?


He picked up our particles, gathered them together,

then kneaded them with the universe to make a paste.


He pierced our noses and inserted reins made of greed and lust

in order to pull us around the world like camels.


Who are we?

He put an oxen’s bell on the neck of the sky

and keeps crushing us under that sky as if we were sesame.


How lucky is that camel who has been tied by the halter of God’s Love.

He makes us drunk and excited while we are among the other camels.

Divan-i Kebir, Volume 15, Ghazal 6, verses 48-52, page 11.

Death is Reaching Out to God (12/8/19)

Death is Reaching Out to God (12/8/19)

There is a new life in death for the man of faith and justice.

From death, peace and calm come to clean souls.

Death is reaching out to God, not out to fear and cruelty.

The one who refuses to die with that death will die every day.

That is the greatest of all troubles.

Rubailer (2016), Page 101, #2.

I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)

No One Is a Stranger There (11/18/18)

Every mind becomes confused when it sees Your face.

Every face is scratched by Your Absence.


I have become drunk because of Your reproach.

I don’t even know if Your pure wine is better than a sedimented one. Continue reading “I am at Peace with Him (11/18/18)”

Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)

Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)

The words which come from the soul are a curtain to the soul.

The fog which comes from the sea hides the coast and the pearls of that sea.


It is a great task to get involved in philosophical discourses.

But, the explanation is the curtain to the Sun of the Truth. Continue reading “Throw Away This Image (10/7/18)”