The Difference Becomes Obvious (12/10/17)

The Difference Becomes Becomes Obvious (12/12/17)

The best journey for me is the journey from existence to Absence.

Existence is the curtain that hides the land of Absence.


Existence is like water. Absence is the sweet sea.

When clean, pure water stays in ponds,

it turns into a swamp, becomes turbid, fetid. Continue reading “The Difference Becomes Obvious (12/10/17)”

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)

Once more, we have given up our heart, mind and soul.

The Beloved has come. We will stay out of the way.


We have turned our back on existence.  Our direction is Absence.

We have found the One whose trace is unseen.

We have given up the trace. Continue reading “Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17)”

Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)

Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)

The mind is a bondage to lovers and the ones on the journey, O son.

The road is clear, obvious if you break your ties, O son.


The mind is an impediment. The heart is a deception.

The soul is a curtain. The body is coarse.

The road is hidden because of all this heaviness, O son. Continue reading “Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17)”

So Think About… (7/2/17)

Just Think About… (7/2/17)

I have so much excitement in my heart

that it is intolerable even for the sky.

Majnun and Layla* can’t see my exuberance even in their dreams.

All this exaltation is only a small portion of the Beloved’s,

so think about how it is in that heart of His.

*Majnun & Layla  Characters in a famous Arabic love story.

Rubailer, Page 349, Rubai #2


Why Does Your Soul Keep Growing? (2/5/17)

Why Does Your Soul Keep Growing? (2/5/17)

Is there a lip from which the smell of Soul doesn’t come?

Is there a heart in which He doesn’t have a trace?


If there are no provisions coming from that famous table,

why is every particle chewing cud like a camel? Continue reading “Why Does Your Soul Keep Growing? (2/5/17)”