Compared to the flesh I have chosen,
everyone else seems to be fine.
Because of my stupidity, I bite my fingers a lot. Continue reading “I Bite My Fingers a Lot (9/25/2022)”
Compared to the flesh I have chosen,
everyone else seems to be fine.
Because of my stupidity, I bite my fingers a lot. Continue reading “I Bite My Fingers a Lot (9/25/2022)”
What are you looking for in the village of your illusions?
Why are you washing your eye with the blood of your heart?
All your being, head to toe, is God.
O ignorant one who doesn’t yet know Himself,
what are you looking for besides You?
Rubailer (2016), rubai 1, page 388.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub.7/2023), rubai 890 (volume 2).
O heart, if you cannot endure the troubles of Love, go away.
There are so many here like you
who simply yell and cry all the time because of Love.
O soul, come only if you are brave.
If you are afraid, it is simply not for you.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 383.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub. 7/2023), Rubai 879, volume 2.
When Love came into my heart,
it couldn’t withstand Love’s fire.
My heart was totally annihilated.
It lost the power of its own bird-like wings
and flew away on the wings of Love.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 409.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (approx. pub. 10/2022), Rubai 866, volume 2.
One cannot reflect our fire,
nor can one articulate the secrets of our heart.
Our early morning sighs are not confidants with whom we share our troubles,
nor is a friendly soul even to be found to hear those sighs.
We are not the pearl which has been found in the sea,
nor are we a sea which ever rests.
We are not the meaning which comes from words,
nor are we words which can be said.
Language is like a canal for meanings.
But, how could such a sea fit in this canal?
Every piece of the soul’s world makes a new world,
but such a new world could never fit in someone’s mouth.
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 19, ghazal 269, verses 2756-2761, page 121.
Our heart and Love have both come
from behind hundreds of curtains,
They sit together, naked. Continue reading “My Gift to You (4/17/2022)”
I pulled you out of the fire of lust, brought you here,
then threw you back into that fire, scattering you there.
You were born from My heart like these words.
Yet, you run, trying to escape. And, you reproach me. Continue reading “Generous and Merciful (3/6/2022)”
Know that the Beloved is concealed from everyone.
The Beloved cannot be conceived
by even the strongest imagination.
Yet, He shines like a moon in my heart
and mixes with my body like a soul.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 374.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 820, volume 2.
Never mind all of this.
How can You be with us?
You are completely soul.
You don’t fit in time and space. Continue reading “No Peer (12/12/2021)”
My soul is in the heart of the people who remain always soul.
They are like roses, knowing nothing but kindness.
Everyone has some content.
We are like chips of gold. They are like gold mines.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 358.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 783, Volume 2.