Submerged in the Heart (7/29/18)

Submerged in the Heart (7/29/18)

Is there anyone who is not involved in my daily work?

Who is the one who hasn’t given his soul to the Beloved’s way?


Is there any head like mine which doesn’t become drunk?

Is there any heart like mine which doesn’t cry, moan and groan? Continue reading “Submerged in the Heart (7/29/18)”

“If You Are Looking for a Remedy…” (4/22/18)

“If You Are Looking for a Remedy…” (4/22/18)

I said, “O heart, you are in deep trouble.”

He responded, “I am content with my situation. Are you?”

I answered, “You need a remedy for your mind.”

He said, “If you are looking for a remedy, you are crazy.”

Rubailer, Page 460, Rubai #1

Our Jar Cannot Take Any More (4/15/18)

Our Jar Cannot Take Any More (4/15/18)

People were born from the Sea of Soul like water birds.

How do those birds which come from the sea make this place their home?


We are engulfed by the soul’s sea with every breath we take.

If it were not so, why do the waves come one after the other from the Sea of Heart? Continue reading “Our Jar Cannot Take Any More (4/15/18)”

It Should Be Lit (3/11/18)

It Should Be Lit (3/11/18)

Man’s heart is like a candle: It should be lit and shine.

There is a void in man’s soul because of his being separated from the Beloved. That void needs to be repaired.

Know, O ignorant one who understands none of what makes or breaks a heart, who neither smiles nor cries,

Love isn’t knowledge to be learned, but something to be encountered,

                                                 Rubailer, Page 449, Rubai #2


From the Coast of the Sea of Soul (12/24/17)

From the Coast of the Sea of Soul (12/24/17)

O lovers, may all your drinks do you good.

May this world become for you a sugar mine.


O lovers, the sounds of the best wishes have ascended to the Throne.

This caravan has gone beyond the Earth and heaven. Continue reading “From the Coast of the Sea of Soul (12/24/17)”