Greetings of the Heart (1/22/2023)

Greetings of the Heart (1/22/2023)

In order to hear the greetings of the heart,

I knocked on its door one night.


The glitter of that moonlight reflected on the eye and heart of the road.

After that, the brilliance sparkled endlessly. Continue reading “Greetings of the Heart (1/22/2023)”

The Secrets of Our Heart (5/15/2022)

The Secrets of Our Heart (5/15/2022)

One cannot reflect our fire,

nor can one articulate the secrets of our heart.


Our early morning sighs are not confidants with whom we share our troubles,

nor is a friendly soul even to be found to hear those sighs.


We are not the pearl which has been found in the sea,

nor are we a sea which ever rests.


We are not the meaning which comes from words,

nor are we words which can be said.


Language is like a canal for meanings.

But, how could such a sea fit in this canal?


Every piece of the soul’s world makes a new world,

but such a new world could never fit in someone’s mouth.

Divan-i Kebir, Volume 19, ghazal 269, verses 2756-2761, page 121.

How Could Stumpy-Tailed Words Explain the Secrets? (3/6/16)

How Could Stumpy-Tailed Words... (3/6/16)
How Could Stumpy-Tailed Words… (3/6/16)

Wake up from sleep.  Jump.

Look:  A brand new morning is coming, dancing and tapping his feet, asking for friends.

The brand new morning is coming from the sky. Continue reading “How Could Stumpy-Tailed Words Explain the Secrets? (3/6/16)”