You appear every day from that place
and carry water to the thirsty ones.
Every morning You offer light to the Earth.
You are the Soul to the soul of the Sun. Continue reading “So Sweet (3/20/2022)”
You appear every day from that place
and carry water to the thirsty ones.
Every morning You offer light to the Earth.
You are the Soul to the soul of the Sun. Continue reading “So Sweet (3/20/2022)”
I pulled you out of the fire of lust, brought you here,
then threw you back into that fire, scattering you there.
You were born from My heart like these words.
Yet, you run, trying to escape. And, you reproach me. Continue reading “Generous and Merciful (3/6/2022)”
I am in love with Love.
Love is always with me.
My body is in love with my soul.
My soul is always with my body.
Sometimes I hug Love with my arms.
Sometimes Love hugs me.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 4, page 374.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (approx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 823, volume 2.
Choose the trouble of Love over all other troubles.
I don’t know any better way to reach the Beloved.
Don’t worry if you don’t have wealth and possessions.
Worry if you don’t have troubles.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 366.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (approx pub. 5/22), Volume 2, Rubai 804.
It is vain for you to try to separate my Beloved from me.
I have become Him.
What can you do to Him? Tell me. Continue reading “Reach Peace (1/9/2022)”
Is there a lip from which the smell of soul isn’t coming right now?
Is there a particle of the heart in which a trace of Him doesn’t reside?
If there are no provisions coming from that famous table,
why is every particle chewing cud like a camel? Continue reading “Not Even a Small Part of This Comes from the Sky (11/21/2021)”
O One who kneaded my hands and feet from mud
and gave senses and mind to my body,
O Moon, enlighten my eyes and heart.
Take me into Your arms.
My soul, which chews Your sugar, is crying and wailing for You.
Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 355.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (approx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 762, Volume 2.
Your greatness cannot be contained in souls.
You are beyond comprehension and imagination.
My mind doesn’t understand without You.
My hand doesn’t reach anywhere
if You are not in my arms and wings. Continue reading “It Brings Guilt (10/24/2021)”
The mind is a roadblock on the journey, O son.
The road is wide open.
Untie this bond. Tear it, O son. Continue reading “This is Expected of You (9/12/2021)”
O Beloved, we are Your guest tonight.
Wait! Why did we say, “tonight?”
We are Yours day and night, every day and every night. Continue reading “This Glory (8/29/2021)”