Only for Lovers (2/2/2025)

Only for Lovers (2/2/2025)

O reason, go away. There is no one reasonable here.

This place is only for lovers.

Even if you were to become as thin as a strand of hair,

you would not fit here.

Now that the dawn has come and the Sun of Love is rising,

your lamp of reason will face nothing but ridicule here.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Volume 3, rubai 1240, page 166.

The Tiniest Fish in God’s Ocean (1/19/2025)

The Tiniest Fish in God’s Ocean (1/19.2025)

At the boundary of our comprehension,

these skies, galaxies and innumerable stars

are only a worthless staff in God’s powerful hand.

Every particle, every drop appears and disappears

like a dolphin, a seal, a whale.

Even if a particle were to appear as big as a whale,

it would still be the tiniest of fish in God’s ocean.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Volume 3, rubai 1236, page 164. 

Don’t Ask for Reason (9/1/2024)

Don’t Ask for Reason (9/1/2024)

At night, I turn around the city like wind.

running like water.

How can sleep overcome the one

who walks around the city in darkness?

The mind is the one who wants to have everything in order.

Don’t ask for reason or manners from the drunk.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations, Volume 3, Rubai 1192, page 142.

Because of You (8/11/2024)

Because of You (8/11/2024)

You would never consider praising or loving Yourself.

But, You are so beautiful.

If You were to show Yourself,

both worlds would start fighting each other. Continue reading “Because of You (8/11/2024)”

You are Smiling at My Words (7/9/2023)

You are Smiling at My Words (7/9/2023)

If hundreds of long days were joined together

as one very long day,

my soul would not complain about it.

On the contrary, it would be content.

It would stand still and cry from the pain of Love.

You are smiling at my words,

because you are still a cold man of knowledge,

not a crazy man of Love.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 469.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations ( 2023), Rubai 1003, Volume 3.

Man’s Heart is Like a Candle (6/25/2023)

Man’s Heart is Like a Candle (6/25/2023)

Man’s heart is like a candle; It should be lit and allowed to shine.

There is a void in your soul because of the separation from the Beloved.

That void needs repair.

Know, O ignorant one

who knows none of what makes or breaks a heart, who avoids pain and burning,

Love is something to be encountered, not knowledge to be learned.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai  4, page 468

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Rubai 1002, Volume 3.

This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)

This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)

This stone will be split open if it desires Union with You.

If my soul feels Your Joy, it will grow wings and fly to the sky.


Now, the fire melts and becomes water.

Reason loses its balance and falls. Continue reading “This Situation is Bad (6/4/2023)”

How Could I? (5/28/2023)

How Could I? (5/28/2023)

You are in my eyes.

If this were not so, how could I see You?

You are in my mind.

If this were not so, how could I be an insane lover?

There is a wondrous place, although I don’t know where it is.

But, if there were not that place, how could I be there?

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 1, page 460.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Rubai 985, Volume 3.

When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/9/2023)

When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/8/2023)

When it comes to reaching the heart of the Beloved,

there is no room for patience.

Don’t talk about patience.


When Love rattles its chain,

the minds of Plato and Abul Hasan* become befuddled. Continue reading “When Love Rattles Its Chain (4/9/2023)”