In Every Prayer Niche and Alter (12/24/2023)

In Every Prayer Niche and Alter (12/24/2023)

There is a spark and warmth from Your Love

in everyone’s heart.

Your trace, the tears of Your longing

are in every prayer niche and alter.

I need a long night and beautiful moonlight to tell You

about all my troubles and sufferings caused by Love.

Rubailar (2016), Rubai 3, page 432.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pubsummer2024), Rubai 1084, Volume 3.

If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)

If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)

If you were out of your self like we are,

if you were also drunk,

you would have already broken the halo around the moon,

ascended the heights of the sky and sat there. Continue reading “If You Were… You Would… (9/10/2023)”

Your Being is the Curtain (8/20/2023)

Your Being is the Curtain (8/20/2023)

If you become God’s prey, you will be freed from sorrows.

If you run after your desires, you will be a slave to yourself.

You should know this very well:

your being is the curtain which conceals God from you.

Do not stay with you, or you will get hurt all the time.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 474.

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (, Rubai 1018, Volume 3.

Secrets Shaken Out with Thunder (7/25/2021)

Secrets Shaken Out with Thunder (7/25/2021)

I became exuberant when that pearl emerged in me.

I was turned into a rough sea by that storm.

I revealed the secrets of the ocean,

secrets shaken out with thunder.

Then, I slept on the shore like an empty cloud.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 2, page 329.

A Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (tent. pub. 12/1/2021), Volume 2, Rubai 696.

I am Happy on this Journey (1/27/19)

I am Happy on this Journey (1/27/19)

I have gone, so one less headache in this world.

I am free from suspense. I have saved my soul.


I said goodbye to the ones I hang out with.

Then, I carried my soul to the land where a trace never appears.


I moved out of this house of six doors,

and took all my belongs to the land of Absence.


I saw the hunting Sultan of the land of Absence.

I flew like an arrow and took my bow.


The club of death came to my side.

I snatched the ball of happiness from the middle.


An amazing moon reflected in my window.

I went to the roof, carrying a ladder.


The dome of that sky where souls are gathered

was much nicer than I used to think.


My rose branch is faded and withered.

I took it back to the rose garden.


Like a customer, I took my money and belongs

to the source of the mine.


I saw a world with no boundary in the land of Absence.

I took my black tent to that place.


Don’t cry for me. I am happy on this journey.

My road reached the place of the heavens.


Engrave these words on my tombstone:

I saved my head from troubles and trials.


O body, sleep nicely in this place.

I have taken your news to the skies.


Close your mouth.

I took all the wailing to the One who created the world.


From now on, don’t talk about the heart’s sorrow,

because I took my heart

to the One who knows all the secrets.

Divan-i Kebir, Volume 14, Gazel 132, Pages 29-30, Verses 1464-1479.