Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)
Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)

Come to our garden. Watch the spring there.

Come close to the Beloved

and see what kind of Beauty He is.


If you can’t reach the falcon, run after its shadow.

Watch the hunting in this secret hunting place. Continue reading “Yells and Screams (4/21/2024)”

Not Like Your Halfway Happiness (10/3/2021)

Not Like Your Halfway Happiness (10/3/2021)

We have neither silk garments nor silver, but we are happy.

In trouble and fear, we are content.

We are drunk on the wine of eternal submission.

This is not like your halfway happiness.

Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 343

The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (approx. pub. 5/2022), Rubai 732, Volume 2