It Should Be Lit (3/11/18)

It Should Be Lit (3/11/18)

Man’s heart is like a candle: It should be lit and shine.

There is a void in man’s soul because of his being separated from the Beloved. That void needs to be repaired.

Know, O ignorant one who understands none of what makes or breaks a heart, who neither smiles nor cries,

Love isn’t knowledge to be learned, but something to be encountered,

                                                 Rubailer, Page 449, Rubai #2


The Difference Becomes Obvious (12/10/17)

The Difference Becomes Becomes Obvious (12/12/17)

The best journey for me is the journey from existence to Absence.

Existence is the curtain that hides the land of Absence.


Existence is like water. Absence is the sweet sea.

When clean, pure water stays in ponds,

it turns into a swamp, becomes turbid, fetid. Continue reading “The Difference Becomes Obvious (12/10/17)”

The Hidden Treasure (1/29/17)

The Hidden Treasure (1/29/17)

We are the hidden treasure of this muddy world.

We are the owner of the land of Eternity.

Once we pass through the darkness of this mud,

We are Hizir* and the Fountain of Life.

*Legendary Godsend who attained immortality by drinking from the water of life; comes to aid in a critical moment.

                                                     Rubailer, Page 301, Rubai #2


The Smoke and Saliva of Thought (1/22/17)

The Smoke and Saliva of Thought (1/22/17)

If Love has the desire to embrace and kiss someone,

who could resist, my friend, who could?


When the Sultan goes hunting, the place where He hunts smiles.

But, when the Sultan becomes the hunt, what can you say to that? Continue reading “The Smoke and Saliva of Thought (1/22/17)”

“And We Will Go That Way” (10/2/16)

That Is Enough for You (1/17/16)
“And We Will Go That Way” (10/2/16)

Rise, O lovers.  Let us all ascend to the sky.

We have seen this earth.  Let us see the other one.


No, no.  Both gardens are beautiful and nice.

Let us give up both of them and go to the Gardener.


Continue reading ““And We Will Go That Way” (10/2/16)”

Yet, Love Lasts Forever (9/25/16)

Yet, Love Lasts Forever (9/23/16)
Yet, Love Lasts Forever (9/23/16)

Life is short. Breaths are numbered. Yet, Love lasts forever.

We stretched our legs and laid down under the shade of the heart,

Watching the plain of Love extending in front of us.

Who cares if there are hundreds of days of resurrection on that plain?

Rubailer, Page 241, Rubai #3