A letter came for me from the other world.
It said, “Get ready for return.
Carry all your belongings to the sky.” Continue reading “I Will Be Free (2/5/2023)”
A letter came for me from the other world.
It said, “Get ready for return.
Carry all your belongings to the sky.” Continue reading “I Will Be Free (2/5/2023)”
I came to grab you by the ear and drag you away.
I came to leave you without a heart, without a self.
I came to put you inside of My heart.
O rose sapling, I came to embrace you like a beautiful spring,
to scatter you here and there and everywhere.
I came to charm you in this palace,
to raise you above the sky like the prayers of lovers. Continue reading “I Won’t Leave You in the Middle of the Road (1/8/2023)”
O heart, what did you find in all of your lootings,
in those pillagings where you spread out all of your belongings?
What did you find before you closed the door?
In this ruined building, you still keep making webs with your own saliva
in order to catch flies like the spider of greed. Continue reading “Sometimes (11/20/2022)”
Every moment, Your kindness follows after sorrow.
If this were not so, no one could stand this suffering.
Make me constantly drunk
with the wine which gives no hangover.
I don’t want any other wine.
We are the reed bed.
He is the fire, and we are waiting to be burned. Continue reading “The Only Way to Reach Eternity (10/23/2022)”
It’s better to be a fool with Love than to be a wise scholar,
better to become dirt on the road than to be a moon in the sky.
Become one with good and bad, young and old.
Be a pawn, then a vizier, then later, a king.
Rubailer (2016), rubai 4, page 391.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub. 7/2023), rubai 894, volume 2.
Compared to the flesh I have chosen,
everyone else seems to be fine.
Because of my stupidity, I bite my fingers a lot. Continue reading “I Bite My Fingers a Lot (9/25/2022)”
We are the fire of Love which lights that special candle.
Like a candle, we came to burn the oppressed moth.
We attacked bravely like a drunk,
giving up knowledge and reaching into the to-be-known. Continue reading “Look at Us. See Us. Watch Us. (8/4/2022)”
What are you looking for in the village of your illusions?
Why are you washing your eye with the blood of your heart?
All your being, head to toe, is God.
O ignorant one who doesn’t yet know Himself,
what are you looking for besides You?
Rubailer (2016), rubai 1, page 388.
The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub.7/2023), rubai 890 (volume 2).
If there is one who doesn’t have a trace of His Love,
cover that one with a cloud,
because he is the enemy of the Moon.
How dry is the tree which doesn’t grow in this garden.
How contemptible is the saint
who doesn’t stay in the shade of this tree. Continue reading “There is No Family for You.. Except Love (8/7/2022)”