I don’t know how I became annihilated from that wine.
I don’t know where I am because of the beauty of placelessness.
Once I was at the bottom of the sea.
but then I rose like the sun.
Sometimes I made the Earth pregnant.
Sometimes, I was born and appeared like the Earth.
While the soul was eating candy like an ostrich,
I suddenly became drunk and bit the parrot.
I arrived somewhere
which cannot be contained in whole universes.
Now, I am only suited for that Beloved.
I am the craziness in all of God’s crazy drunks
and confused, lost in the middle of them.
You ask me, “Why don’t you come back to yourself?”
I answer, “Show me myself which I should come back to.”
The shadow of the legendary Huma bird caresses me so much
that you’d think I was the Huma and it was the shadow.
I saw Love. It was drunk, saying,
“I am trouble. I am trouble, trouble.”
The response came from everywhere, wholeheartedly,
“I am Yours. I am Yours, Yours.
You are the light calling out to Moses,
“I am God. I am God, God.”
I asked, “O Shems of Tebriz, who are You?”
He answered, “I am you. I am you, you.”
Divan-i Kebir, Volume 18, Ghazal 136, verses 1339-1349, pages 56-57.