Look at us. See us. Watch us. (9/4/2022) We are the fire of Love which lights that special candle. Like a candle, we came to burn the oppressed moth. We attacked bravely like a drunk, giving up knowledge and reaching into the to-be-known. At the first stage, we More...
What are you looking for in the village of your illusions? Why are you washing your eye with the blood of your heart? All your being, head to toe, is God. O ignorant one who doesn’t yet know Himself, what are you looking for besides You? Rubailer (2016), rubai 1, More...
O pilgrim, where are you going? Where? The Beloved is here, coming, coming. Your Beloved is your next-door neighbor. What kind of idea makes you wander around this desert like a vagabond? If you see the formless form of the Beloved, you are a true pilgrim. You are the owner More...
O heart, if you cannot endure the troubles of Love, go away. There are so many here like you who simply yell and cry all the time because of Love. O soul, come only if you are brave. If you are afraid, it is simply not for you. Rubailer (2016), More...
If there is one who doesn’t have a trace of His Love, cover that one with a cloud, because he is the enemy of the Moon. How dry is the tree which doesn’t grow in this garden. How contemptible is the saint who doesn’t stay in the shade of this More...
I am Yours (7/31/2022)
Category: quatrain (rubai), Rumi Poetry
O my God, don’t leave me in the hands of this unreliable, despicable self. Don’t make me agree with anyone but You. I run to You from deceits, troubles, from my self. I am Yours. Don’t give my self back to me. Rubailer (2016), Rubai 3, page 413. The Rubaiyat of More...
A beautiful moon has appeared to me, shining so brightly. How nice that the Almighty created Him! He has joined with my soul and given me more life. Today, thanks to Him, more greatness and exaltation come from me. Even if this Love consumes me and turns me More...
We are the mirror, and we are the face of the mirror. We are the drunk of the glass of immortality. We are the pain. We are the panacea. We are the water of life. We are the water carrier. Rubailer (2015), Rubai 1, page 413. The Rubaiyat of Rumi, More...
When you are sober, the Beloved seems like a thorn to you. When you are drunk and out of your self, you see that the Beloved is your greatest helper. When you are sober, you are prey to the fly. When you are drunk, even the elephant becomes your More...
Although you are all slaves behind this curtain, once you get out, you will all be sultans. Love’s Water of Life says, “Die here. Then, you will become immortal.” Rubailer (2016), rubai 4, page 412 The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The Ergin Translations (apprx.pub. 10/2022), rubai 872, volume 2. More...