This Fire (7/12/2020)
Category: Gazel (longer poem), Rumi Poetry
This Fire (7/12/2020) If you want to enlighten the universe, if you want to increase the light of this world, all your body must turn into fire like the sun. If you want the Sun of suns to accept you, you have to melt and disappear like the circle More...
Hundreds of Sighs (7/5/2020) On a cloudless summer night when the stars are shining and the heart of the sky is turning into a rose garden, there are thousands of signs of Divine Love all around. Hundreds of sighs rise up from me which illuminate the mirror of my heart. More...
Songs and Screams (6/28/2020) Every night, the specter of my Beauty praises the attributes of my Essence and talks about the Absence of my Essence which proves my Existence. The Sultan of chess of the seven stars sends a sign from His ayn*-like eye and cim-like ear which checkmates More...
Only a Fool Says… (6/21/2020) Union with God cannot be achieved until a person has completely annihilated his self. Such a Union is not the merging of two to make one. Union requires your total annihilation. Absurdity does not turn falsehood into Truth. Only a fool says, “Everything is God.” More...
Have You Ever…? (6/14/2020) Have you ever known a wine which has no hangover? Have you ever picked a rose which has no thorns? Have you ever seen a spring in the rose garden of this muddy world which has no autumn? When sorrow comes your way, run. More...
Flutter Your Own Wings (4/2/2020) O heart, you go nowhere on this road with talk and gossip. You cannot reach the Beloved unless you pass through the door of Absence. You have to flutter your own wings where His birds fly, O heart. They don’t give out wings, O heart. More...
Hold Fast (6/7/2020)
Category: quatrain (rubai), Rumi Poetry
Hold Fast (6/7/2020) Without the pure water from the sea of Love, our pearl would turn into stone. If there were no world to be found inside of our soul, our soul and that world would shrink and confine us. Pain from the Beloved polishes your heart and soul. Hold More...
Why Do You Worry? (5/31/2020) Since you are My drunk, O My soul, don’t worry about the troubles you have. Since you are My gazelle, O My soul, don’t worry about the male lion. Why do you think about days and months, O My moon-faced one, as long as More...
Being in God’s Vicinity (5/24/2020) This solitude is better than the company of thousands. This freedom is sweeter than owning the whole world. Being in God’s vicinity for even a short time is worth more than the soul, more than the universe, more than all of this, more than all More...
Yet, We Still Keep Struggling (5/17/2020) O beauty, you are a beautiful charmer. Give up acting with such poor appearance, such poor behavior. If you are content, luck will be a slave and servant for us. Because of greed, even ones who are close to you look strange. If More...