Weekly Poems

I am Absent (8/4/19)

Posted on August 4, 2019
I am Absent (8/4/19) He is inside and outside of my heart. He is the soul of my body. He is my blood and my veins. How could faith or heresy fit here? I am absent. He is all of my existence. Rubailer (2016), page 68, Rubai #4 More...
You are the Antidote…You are the Bait (7/28/19) What is life without You? Life without You is forbidden.   Living without Your beautiful face is nothing but death, that thing which was given the name, “life.”   The world is poison.  You are the antidote. Living is a trap. You are the More...
I Did Not Recognize Who I Was (7/21/19) At first, like others, I preferred being my self. Although I was aware of my existence, I did not comprehend my being. Because I could not see, I did not recognize who I was. I was merely hearing my name. Finally, and More...

Stay for Awhile (7/14/19)

Posted on July 14, 2019
Category: Rumi Poetry
Stay for Awhile (7/14/19) A sugar buyer comes, saying, “A caravan has arrived from Egypt.”   Hundreds of camels come loaded with sugar cane. O my God, what a beautiful gift.   Suddenly, and this is in the middle of the night, a candle is brought in and life comes More...
Bravo to Our Powers and Abilities! (7/7/19) Sometimes , the angels are jealous of our purity. Sometimes, the devil is afraid of our recklessness. Our clay body carries God’s gift. Bravos to our power and abilities! Rubailer (2016), Rubai #3, page 43. More...
I Have No Constancy, No Peace (6/30/19) He said, “I am the fire which burns you.” I answered, “Yes, but Your Love and Your sun are in my heart.   “If I smell one rose without Your Love, burn me right away like a thorn.”   I keep silent like More...
Please Do Me a Favor! (6/23/19) I was heart and soul without a body before… pure, clean, pleasant. You built my body as a guest house and put my soul in it. O my Master, please, do me a favor! Pardon me. Recreate me as You did before. Bring me back to More...
Anger (6/16/19) If you keep getting angry on your journey, your exuberance will soon fade away. You will turn into cold ice.   And if your anger turns into fury. that may look and feel like sugar, but it is actually poison.   A blind rat is angry. ‘How does More...
All the World’s Sorrows (6/9/19) My Beloved whose scattered hair makes everyone confused, whose sweet ruby lips scatter sugar and honey, that Beloved asked me, “Are you sorry about our separation?” I answered, “O my soul, so much so that all the world’s sorrows are in that sorry.” Rubailer (2016), More...
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA O one who holds the halter of time, O one who opens the door of the paradise of meanings!   Your divinity is what makes everything appear and scatter. Your world of appearances is the ladder of wishes.   One who looks for You by following directions More...

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