Weekly Poems

Once life is ended, God gives another life, a different one.If this temporary life is annihilated, here is the permanent one:Love is the Water of Life. Plunge into it.There is new life in every drop of that sea.Rubailer (2016), Rubai #3, Page 42. The Water of Life (5/26/19) More...
We have seen that time has no beginning of its beginning, because we are the ones who have fallen in Love. The others are merely spectators.   Those spectators are tired and bored. Only that red-hot heart who eats lightning remains.   Like the sky, we are friends and acquaintances More...

No One Escapes Me (5/12/19)

Posted on May 12, 2019
Love for You has killed Turks as well as Arabs. We are slaves and servants to those martyrs, those generals. Love for You is saying, “No one escapes Me. I own all souls.” He is right, O heart. Quit playing. Rubailer (2016), Page 40, Rubai #4. More...
Love is flying to the sky and tearing hundreds of curtains.   Love is to be free from the self in the first breath, to be lifted above the feet from the first step.   Love is to consider this world unseen and to see one’s own eye.   O More...

Reach Me (4/28/19)

Posted on April 28, 2019
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I don’t have any friend except Love. Love was with me before I came into this world, and Love is still with me. My soul yells, “O lazy one on Love’s way, come on. Hurry up. Reach me.” Rubailer I2016), Rubai #1, Page 38. Reach Me (4/28/19) More...
O Kingdom of Love (4/21/19) O Kingdom of Love which opens hearts in the world! O one who has had good fortune, been honored by the secret of “God does what He pleases!”   O the joy that is hidden in the torment of Love! How wonderful, how wonderful is More...

His Game of Love (4/14/19)

Posted on April 14, 2019
His Game of Love (4/14/19)First, He pampered me with a thousand favors.Then, He burned me with a thousand troubles.He played with me as if I was nothing more than dice in His game of Love.But, when I died from myself and became Him, He finally threw me out.Rubailar (2016), Rubai More...
The Summit of His Sorrow (3/17/19) Nothing, not even rose or basil had helped me. I said to myself, “Be silent. His bow doesn’t match my shield.” Then, I was shot from that bow like a three-winged arrow. Even so, I reached the summit of His sorrow without the help More...
The Waves Become Exuberant (3/10/19) Our heart feels good today, because You drank its blood yesterday. May it do You good.       You showed Your moon face yesterday. Yet today, You manifest in thousands of shapes and hide Yourself in thousands of covers.   Our heart prostrates in More...

Words’ Ship (3/3/19)

Posted on March 3, 2019
Words’ Ship (3/3/19) You have said so many times, “I have given up words. I prefer silence.” Yet, you turn around words, so much so that you have turned into talk. You sail with words’ ship on the sea of thought, that sea which you have not renounced and which words’ ship More...

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