Weekly Poems

That Makes the Garden Smile (1/31/17) We are in a season that is as auspicious as the Beloved’s Union. The candle of the soul wakes up when the body dies. When lightning strikes, the clouds start crying. That makes the garden smile. Rubailer, Page 389, Rubai #4 More...
From the Coast of the Sea of Soul (12/24/17) O lovers, may all your drinks do you good. May this world become for you a sugar mine.   O lovers, the sounds of the best wishes have ascended to the Throne. This caravan has gone beyond the Earth and heaven. More...

The Joy Among Joys (12/17/17)

Posted on December 17, 2017
The Joy Among Joys (12/17/17) O head, you are the reason among reasons. O flesh, you are the stranger among strangers. O heart, you are the desire among desires. O soul, you are the joy among joys. Rubailer, Page 417, Rubai #3 More...
The Difference Becomes Becomes Obvious (12/12/17) The best journey for me is the journey from existence to Absence. Existence is the curtain that hides the land of Absence.   Existence is like water. Absence is the sweet sea. When clean, pure water stays in ponds, it turns into a swamp, More...
The Tree of Contentment (12/3/17) The one who sees You with his heart becomes ecstatic. The ones who are lost in thought are blind. Hundreds of branches scatter roses and flowers to you from the Land of Absence. Why did you cut down the tree of contentment? Rubailer, Page 389, Rubai #2 More...
There is… No Remedy … Except You (11/26/17) O my Life who adds Soul to my soul, lift the curtain. O One who takes care of my grief, who is willing to stay with me all night long!   O One who hears my cries, timely and untimely! O One More...

Only a Madman… (11/19/17)

Posted on November 19, 2017
Only a Madman… (11/19/17) I said, “O Beloved, You are wine. I am the glass. I am a dead body, You are my soul. Come. Open, unlock the door of Your Kindness.” He answered, “Be silent. Only a madman keeps his door open all the time.” Rubailer, Page 390, Rubai #4 More...
Absence Is for Heroes (11/12/17) Once more, we have given up our heart, mind and soul. The Beloved has come. We will stay out of the way.   We have turned our back on existence.  Our direction is Absence. We have found the One whose trace is unseen. We have More...
Ask Me… (11/5/17) Ask me about the essence of insanity on the way of Love. Ask me about the soul that is gone and lost, about the mind turned upside down. Ask me about the days filled with hundreds of events. Ask me about the deserts burned by the fire More...
Once Love Comes to Talk (10/29/17) The mind is a bondage to lovers and the ones on the journey, O son. The road is clear, obvious if you break your ties, O son.   The mind is an impediment. The heart is a deception. The soul is a curtain. The body is More...

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