That Pure Clean Mirror (10-22-17) Come to your senses, O body made of clay. Don’t talk about the Earth. Don’t talk about anything but that pure, clean mirror. The One who created it left His attribute in your heart. Don’t talk about anything but that attribute. Rubailer, Page 375, Rubai #2 More...
Bees Don’t Make His Honey (10/15/17) Before wine, the vineyard or the grape ever existed in this world, our soul was drunk with everlasting wine, with God’s wine. Before this hide and seek, before Mansur* said that secret word, made that subtle point, we kept saying, “I am God,” in More...
My Palace (10/8/17)
Category: quatrain (rubai), Rumi Poetry
My Palace (10/8/17) I asked, “O shining Beauty, where is Your house?” He answered, “In your broken heart. I am the sun, shining into the ruins. O Love’s drunk, destroy your heart. Then, it will become My palace.” Rubailer, Page 373, Rubai #1 More...
The Longing for You Is for You (10/1/17) Love is not knowledge or superiority. Love is not in books or papers. The words of people are mere gossip. Love is not like that. Know this very well: The branches of Love are in the world of immortality. Its More...
Your Qibla (9/24/17)
Category: quatrain (rubai), Rumi Poetry
Your Qibla (9/24/17) Even if sugar envies your sweet smile, Even if sultans are your slaves and servants, if you make this rotten world your Qibla,* you are dead, and people are licking your corpse. *Qibla Direction of prayer. Rubailer, Page 371, Rubai #4 More...
Non-Existence Appeared Like Existence (9/17/17) When I desired Union, when I burned with fire, I went to Mount Sinai, like Moses. There, I saw a sultan, the Sultan of sultans, a charmer who attracts the heart, who adds Soul to souls. Mount Sinai, the plains, the desert, all More...
For All Troubles (9/10/17) For all troubles, there are remedies in Love. Love is a cloud which carries a hundred thousand lightnings. An ocean is formed by the Grace of Love inside of me, and the whole Universe is drowned into it. Rubailer, Page 370, Rubai #4 More...
The Rose Garden Inside of You (9/3/17) There are rose gardens for lovers inside of those bloody fences. There are so many other businesses for lovers thanks to the absolute beauty of Love. The mind says, “There are six dimensions to the world of existence. There is no road More...
If You Forget These Words (8/27/17) O heart, if you are aware of the words “God is with you wherever you are,” why do you get so confused? If you forget these words, you are attributing a partner to God. Rubailer, Page 364, Rubai #1 More...
The Situation Is Not Like That (8/20/17) Between the darkness of sleep and the light of awakening, in the dark of evening, I saw such a person! He was a traveler with such a beautiful face, on his journey to the Holy Temple. He was pure wisdom, the light More...