Because of You (8/11/2024) You would never consider praising or loving Yourself. But, You are so beautiful. If You were to show Yourself, both worlds would start fighting each other. You are the wine. We are the jar. You are the water. We are the riverbed. You have no place, More...
Is It Proper? (8/4/2024) O Beloved, I am so close to You in Love, so close that wherever You step, I become the ground there. Is it proper on the path of Love for me to see the universe through You, but never see You? The Rubaiyat of Rumi, The More...
Good News (7/28/2024) O lovers, good news for you! Your separation has ended. The time for Union has come. Now there is only God and His Divinity. Favors after favors are coming. Thousands of celebrations are here. Both worlds are becoming disciples. Where are you? You plant the More...
One Moment for Me (7/21/2024) When my Essence turns into a sea of infinity, the faces of my particles shine. I burn like a candle on the way of Love so that all moments can become one moment for me. Rubailer (2026), Rubai 1, page 31 The Rubaiyat of Rumi, More...
Music is Inside of You (7/14/2024) The Beloved pulled my ear and said, “You are Ours tonight.” Yes, O Beautiful One, but appear to me. Where are You? If You leave excuses and show me the road to Your house, I will come walking on my head, dragging my More...
I Prefer Silence (7/7/2024) You have said so many times, “I have given up words. I prefer silence.” Yet, you turn around words, so much so that you have turned into talk. You sail with word’s ship on the sea of thought, that sea which you have not yet renounced More...
Pure Gold (6/30/2024) You are a Joseph in beauty. Break the jar of beauty. Use your breath like Jesus. You are from that same air. Stay in line even though you are all by yourself. You are the emperor of our time. There is a door of that fort More...
The Mirror (6/23/2024) Poor heart, you are the mirror of everything. God has favored you with beautiful attributes, and you act like you don’t even see them. Such rebellion can give you nothing but headaches. O mirror which has accepted good as bad as it reflects on you, you don’t More...
Isn’t That True or False? (6/16/2024) At the time of evening prayers, everyone lights their candle and sets their table. Yet, I put the Beloved’s image in front of me. I cry and yell with sorrow and longing. Since I do my ablution with tears, my prayers become fiery. More...
When You Become a Friend… (6/9/2024) When you become a friend of One whose heart is in God, know that, just like your fate, your soul will fall into Love’s fire. Don’t worry. Don’t run away. Know well that from then on, it will be impossible to contain you anywhere. More...